

Stick a needle in. The idea is to insert a foreign body into the body in order to go to the virtual world. Even if we connect the brain and machine directly with a brain-machine interface (BMI) in the future, we may not stick needles in the neck, but I'm curious why this idea came up. So I thought about sticking needles into the skin. The first thing that immediately came to mind was blood donation. The needle is inserted into the skin with a bump, a prick, no, just right in front of my eyes. Or rather, it pierces through the skin and enters the body. Naturally, the tip of the needle becomes invisible. The needle is visible or invisible, bordered by the skin. There is some kind of pain at the point where the needle is pierced. This sensation of the needle being inserted. Not at all connected to the virtual world. I mean, I didn't think of Ghost in the Shell or The Matrix when I was donating blood until I thought of this today. Maybe it's because I'm sticking a needle into my arm. The invisible tip of the needle pierces the membrane of my blood vessels, which I have never seen before, and sucks out the blood flowing there. I see my red blood. It breaks through the skin and another membrane. There is something stuck between the skin and the membrane. I break through the skin, penetrate the pinched object, and break through the membrane. What happens if we reverse this? First, what does it penetrate? Does it penetrate the atmosphere? Is there another membrane beyond the atmosphere? Think of "externalization after reversal of internalization. When you penetrate the skin, penetrate the clogged thing, penetrate the membrane, penetrate the flow, penetrate the membrane again, penetrate the clogged thing, and penetrate the skin, the tip of the needle comes out of the body. Is there anything that can be penetrated further? Another thing is that the skin and membranes that have been pierced can be put back together again. Plasticity. Translation by DeepL






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