


Most scientists are quite aware that since we have acquired some knowledge of electricity it is not possible to speak of atoms as pieces of matter. Again, as more is known about electrical "discharges" and energy, there is less and less tendency to speak of electricity as a thing that "flows" like water through a wire, or is "contained" in a battery. Rather, the tendency is to speak of electricity as painters speak of space; namely, that it is a variable condition that involves the special positions of two or more bodies. There is no longer any tendency to speak of electricity as "contained" in anything. Painters have long known that objects are not contained in space, but that they generate their own spaces. (p.460)

Inside Photoshop, Lev Manovich
Experience has taught us to break down large bodies of source code into separate modules in order to save compilation time. An error in one routine forces only the recompilation of its module and the relatively quick reloading of the entire program. Similarly, small errors in coloration or design in one object should not force “recompilation” of the entire image. 
 Thomas Porter and Tom Duff, "Compositing Digital Images", Computer Graphics vol.18, no.3 (July 1984): 253-259. (up)
The same idea of treating an image as a collection of elements that can be changed independently and re-assembled into new images is behind Photoshop Layers. Importantly, Photoshop was developed at the same place where the principles of digital compositing were defined earlier. The first version of the program was written by brothers Thomas and John Knoll when Thomas took a six-month leave from the PhD program at the University of Michigan in 1988 to join his brother who was then working at ILM.




>Compression Artifacts は「もっとうまくシミュレートしようとして,立体感,動き,感情,観念,意味,欲望等のあらゆる次元をひとつひとつまた付け加えることは,イメージに関する限りまったくの逆行である.しかも,技術そのものまでがここで自縄自縛に陥っている」を良しとする.できるだけそぎ落として「1」にしていくのではなく,要素を付け足して「2」以上の関係として画像を仕立てていく.


Joshua Citarella
The presence of graphics editing software has allowed increasingly hyperbolic descriptions to pass under the same critical rubric as conventional lens based photographs. As a means of documentation, conventional photography aims towards the most perfect reproduction, to close the gap between the world and its picture, while software aims to close the gap between the world and its image; not its visuality but its conception. At all instances software has been written to deliver digital captures into their ideal states, to unburden photographic images from the constraints of material, time and space.


Artie Vierkant
Photography Stef Mitchell Interview Thor Shannon, NYU
Every single image can be an object, and vice versa. And every image and every object can be part of a succession of different images and objects thereafter. I think that notion of the object was probably the primary motivating factor that I was thinking about while I was trying to frame the Image Objects for myself. When you have an object, even a mass-produced object, it doesn't really have a fixity anymore. You can take an image of it and do something else with it, you can take an object and do something else with it…You can perform a bunch of different DIY operations on either: scan it, alter it, make it your own. Acknowledging that lack of fixity is very interesting, and important, to me, and  to the work I create in turn.




メディア映像史 (2024年度水野担当分)の授業資料




「Generated X [生成されたX]」の気配

マジックマウスの慣性スクロール / Magic Mouse Scroll with momentum.

third draft for isea 2009
