




意識でものを動かすことに戻ると,これもまた一対一対応で動かしていて,一体n は無理.と考えていると,身体を動かすというのは,脳からの単一の指令だけで動いているのではなくて,おそらくその他の指令体系もあって動いているのだなあと,なんとなく納得してしまった.じゃないと,同時に手足を動かしたりすることはできないのではないか.手足の動かしかたがパターンとしてひとまとまりになったものが,いっぱいあって,それの組み合わせで動いているとすれば,脳からの単一の指令で動けるかもしれないけど,それは組み合わせの多さから不可能かなと.


2023/07/07 Translation by DeepL
Thought experiment: Moving things with telekinesis 

Thought experiment. For example, when you think of moving a mouse to the right, the mouse moves to the right. No hands, just movement. It's called telekinesis. Actually, the mouse does not move to the right when you try it now. Suppose a brain interface is developed and you try it. The mouse moves to the right. Oh, great, you think. Pen, right hand. The pen comes to the right hand. This seems to correspond to a sentence being made in the brain. So, it is not possible to do two things at the same time? I cannot write, speak, or think two sentences at the same time. But my body can do different things with my right hand and my left hand at the same time. What kind of sentences are in my brain at that time?

No, it may be said that it is wrong to think that we cannot access things unless sentences are generated in our brains. You are thinking more in terms of images. But even if we think in images, we can only move things one by one, can we not? But if we think of "everything" or "those things" without relying on images, we can move many things at once. If we can capture a wide area with an image and think about the movement of things within that area at the same time, it may be possible to move things at the same time and in parallel. However, when it comes to moving things, for some reason, a command form appears in the brain. Like "move the pen to the right," or "move that paperweight over here.

It seems to me that thinking is becoming a bottleneck when moving things at the same time. Thinking = being conscious makes it impossible to move many things at the same time, each with a different motion. If it were only in the brain, it would be possible to be aware of things moving in different ways at the same time. However, it is very difficult to relate this to reality. Even if I try to be aware of the individual movements of the building blocks in front of me, it seems to me that I am being aware of the movements of each of the individual moving objects as a whole, as one.

After thinking about this, it occurred to me that the connection between the mouse and the cursor is no longer related to the cursor in multi-touch gestures, and that the cursor does not move at all, but the image on the display moves in various ways. I would prefer a trackpad instead of a mouse, but with one finger, it is linked to the cursor. If I move my finger to the right, the cursor moves to the right. When I gesture with two fingers, the cursor does not move, but scrolls and rotates. Individual finger movements are taken as a whole and reflected in the image on the display. From the computer's point of view, it seems as if it is aware of each individual movement as a whole. But there is a one-to-one correspondence between the gesture and the movement of the image on the display. Are we not moving something simultaneously and individually? Is our consciousness also thinking in a one-to-one correspondence? But it is interesting that the cursor, which had been linked to the finger, suddenly stops moving.

Returning to moving things with consciousness, we are also moving things with a one-to-one correspondence, and it is impossible to move the whole "n". I was somewhat convinced that the body does not move only by a single command from the brain, but probably by a system of other commands. Otherwise, it would not be able to move its limbs at the same time. If there are many patterns of limb movements that are combined into a single pattern, it might be possible to move with a single command from the brain, but that seems impossible because of the large number of combinations.

Also, how does it decide how to move to the right when it is told to move to the right? I suppose it is not possible to move as one thinks unless one is aware of that, but if one is aware of that much, or rather, how does one become aware of the way to move? If we are so conscious, or rather, how do we become aware of how to move?



メディア映像史 (2024年度水野担当分)の授業資料





「Generated X [生成されたX]」の気配

マジックマウスの慣性スクロール / Magic Mouse Scroll with momentum.

third draft for isea 2009