マジックマウスの慣性スクロール / Magic Mouse Scroll with momentum.

マジックマウスの慣性スクロール.iPhone でもできてしかも気持ちいいけど.マジックマウスの慣性スクロールも気持ちいい.同じ慣性スクロールなので,やっている行為,指の動きは同じで,ディスプレイ上のイメージの動きも同じ.でもなんか違う.iPhone は,とても滑りのいいガラスの上を指がすいすいと動いて,その指にイメージが反応している感じ.ガラスの滑らかさとイメージの指への吸い付き.マジックマウスは,すこし滑りがわるいプラスチックの表面なんだけど,緩やかな傾斜がついているので,指をその傾斜に沿わして動かしている感じ.指にイメージが反応しているのは一緒だけど,プラスチックも指に吸い付くし,イメージも吸い付く感じ.プラスチックの表面に指が物理的にくっつくことが少し気になる.でも,一番の違いは,iPhone は直接的にイメージに触れているように見えているのに対して,マジックマウスは,指とイメージとが離れているということなのでしょうか.最初は,マジックマウスの傾斜が重要かなとも思ったんですが….でも,この傾斜は人差し指で行ったり来たりするときに,私にとってはとても気持ちいい.

どちらにしても,この慣性スクロールは,私たちの物理的世界の慣性をコンピュータの論理世界に入れてしまったわけです,でも,それも論理で実現されているわけです.まわりまわって,いつも私たちが体験していることが,ディスプレイ上のイメージで表現されるとなんか気持ちよさを感じてしまう.少し違うか.慣性というものだけが,ディスプレイ上のイメージに入り込んでいるから気持ちいいのか? 世界の物理法則の一部を切り取って,イメージに入れ込む.それも,私たちの行為にピタリと合った形で.そうすると,実現しているのは物理世界で起こっていることなんだけれど,体感としては何か新しいことが起こっているように感じてしまっているのか? 


Magic Mouse Scroll with momentum. iPhone does the scroll with momentum and it is comfortable for us. Magic Mouse, too. iPhone and Magic Mouse do the same scroll with momentum, therefore our finger action for them and the movement of the image on the display are also the same. However, I feel something different between iPhone and Magic Mouse. With iPhone, our finger move lightly on the smooth glass surface and the image on the display sticks to our finger movement. There is Smooth and Sticky. With Magic Mouse, our finger move along the gently slope on the sticky plastic surface and the image on the display sticks to our finger movement. There is Sticky and Sticky. Firstly, I think that "Smooth and Sticky" and "Sticky and Sticky" are a big different between iPhone and Magic Mouse, then the slow slope of Magic Mouse would be important for use because I feel very comfortable when my index finger go and come along it. However, a biggest different between them is that we touch the image directly in iPhone even though our finger and the image separate  in Magic Mouse.

Anyway, this scroll with momentum brings the momentum law of our physical world into the logical world of the computer, although the momentum in the display is generated from the logic. After going through many world, we feel good when the image on the display represents the law of our physical world which we are familiar with. There is something different, isn't it? The computer can not represent our whole physical world. It just cut out only the momentum from the physical world and gives it to the movement of the image. Moreover, the movement of the image with the momentum is adjusted for us in order to fit our finger action. As a result, we feel that something new happens, even though the image on the display represents just the law of physical world  which we are familiar with.

At first, I consider about a relationship between the scroll with momentum and the shape of surface; the slow slope of Magic Mouse fits our daily action for the slope because we get the momentum for going up the slope and the momentum is given us when we go down the slope. Therefore, the slope of Magic Mouse compensates the sticky plastic surface. However, I don't know whether our body feeling for the slope is reflected in our finger action for the scroll with momentum of Magic Mouse, even though the image on the display fits our finger action with the momentum which is cut out from the physical world. Although the slope of Magic Mouse may be just the shape for easy to grab in practical manner, it is the fact that the plastic surface of Magic Mouse has the slope in comparison with the glass surface of trackpad is flat. Finally, I understand that we cut out the law of physical world in order to bring it the logic world of the computer and the relationship between the material like a plastic or a glass and the shape; The glass - Smooth-Sticky-Flat. The plastic - Sticky-Sticky-Slope.



メディア映像史 (2024年度水野担当分)の授業資料





「Generated X [生成されたX]」の気配

third draft for isea 2009
