
紀要論文「ポストインターネットにおいて,否応なしに重なり合っていく世界」が掲載された「甲南女子大学研究紀要第54号 文学・文化編」が刊行されました.

An inevitably overlapping world in the Post Internet era 
The purpose of this paper is to consider the relationship between the body and the world in the Post Internet era where the connection of the Internet became normal. First, consider "desktop realism", created by a desktop functioning as a gateway to the Internet. The root of "desktop realism" is the experience of operating overlapping windows. An overlapping window, implemented by a computer scientist Alan Kay in 1973 was invented to arrange as many images as possible on one screen and manipulate them. Unlike paintings and movies that passively see a single image, desktop realism demands active action of the body in front of the image, such as clicking, dragging and overlapping content on the screen. In addition, the multi-planar screen structure formed by overlapping windows is similar to a chaotic screen which is not integrated by the perspective created by the stereoscope, which is a device for two eyes. Both overlapping windows and stereoscopes make use of the stratified perception originally possessed by two human eyes. Humans working with the desktop will experience an overlapping experience of multi-planar layered perception and three-dimensional perception inevitably. The phenomenon that these two systems overlap is the basis of desktop realism. The desktop puts the body in a world where every existence overlaps inevitably, as the two eyes looking into the stereoscope show, rather than the unified world shown by the monocular.


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「サブシンボリックな知能」と Doing with Images makes Symbols