
マーク・ハンセンは身体中心にニューメディアを考える.身体はデータを処理する場として特別な場所である.データに形を与える身体.レフ・マノヴィッチはデータからニューメディアを考える.ハンセンは,身体を軽視するマノヴィッチを批判する.マノヴィッチの論文が載っているアンソロジー "Small Tech" の編者たちは,データでも身体でもなく iPhone などの手におさまる小さな技術に注目する.




To the extent that this shift involves a turning of sensation away from an "object" and back onto its bodily source, it can be directly correlated with the process of digitization currently well underway in our culture: for if the digital image foregrounds the processural framing of data by the body, what it ultimately yields is less a framed object than an enbodied, subjective experience that can only be felt. When the body acts to enframe digital information ── or, as I put it, to forge the digital image ── what it frames is in effect itself: its own affectively experienced sensation of coming into contact with the digital. In this way, the act of enframing information can be said to "give body" to digital data ── to transform something that is unframed, disembodied, and formless into concrete embodied information intrinsically imbued with (human) meaning. (p.13)


Once again, however, we must ask after the cost of Manovich's neglect of the tactile aspects of the interface. Put bluntly, Manovich seems to overlook the physical dimension that is at issue in the body's experience of space, regardless of whether the space concerned is actual physical space or a simulated, virtual one. (p.40)


The desire to take what normally falls outside of the scale of human senses and to make it visible and manageable aligns data visualization art with modern science. Its subject matter (i.e., data) puts it within the paradigm of modern art. In the beginning of the twentieth century, art largely abandoned one of its key (if not the key) functions ── portraying the human being. Instead, most artists turned to other subjects, such as abstraction, industrial objects and materials (e.g., Marcel Duchamp, minimalists), media images (pop art), the figure of the artist herself or himself (performance and video art) ── now data. Of course, it can be argued that data visualization represents the human being indirectly by visualization her or his activities (typically the movements through the Net). Yet, more often than not, the subjects of data visualization projects are objective structures (such as the typology of Internet) rather than the direct traces of human activity. (p.7)


Rather than being an extension of the human body, the hand becomes a small technology in its own right, with the ability to enter into material combinations with other digital devices and material events to create new possibilities for communication and action. Consequently, the emerging handheld culture is signaling a move in emphasis from traditional, visual software interfaces to the ad hoc interfaces created by gestural objects in material ecologies. (p.xiv)


Like McLuhan, Heidegger makes move from center to periphery, but rather than technology causing effects, it combines with many other elements to create conditions of possibility that suggest potential futures rather than determine them. This combination of actual materiality and virtual potentiality is central to any discussion of methodology and small tech. In our current weightless context, as technologies get smaller and smaller, their materiality is less obvious and their potentiality is more powerful. Consequently, their forms of analysis need to focus on tighter, more detailed constellations and their specific conditions of possibility. (p.xviii)







【2023~2024 私のこの3点】を書きました.あと,期間を確認しないで期間外の3点を選んで書いてしまったテキストもあるよ


出張報告書_20150212−0215 あるいは,アスキーアート写経について



「サブシンボリックな知能」と Doing with Images makes Symbols